ATC19: Adventures in Odyssey #55: The Deep End Review
On today's show we dive into "The Deep End" and review Adventures in Odyssey album #55 . We go through all 12 episodes and the...
On today's show we dive into "The Deep End" and review Adventures in Odyssey album #55. We go through all 12 episodes and then share some listener feedback. Our newscaster, Roy, also has a newscast that is brimming with news about family friendly audio drama!
NOTE: We apologize for any background noise you may hear in this episode. We are into the hot season in Arizona and we had to keep the A/C running.
Intro Segment Links:
JD's review of Detective Rick Wraith
Newscast Links:
Focus on the Family Radio Theatre’s Oliver Twist
LifeHouse Theater-On-The-Air's Pride and Prejudice
Review Segment Links:
Adventures in Odyssey #55 The Deep End
Alvin York Website
Alvin York's Diary
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NOTE: We apologize for any background noise you may hear in this episode. We are into the hot season in Arizona and we had to keep the A/C running.
Intro Segment Links:
JD's review of Detective Rick Wraith
Newscast Links:
Focus on the Family Radio Theatre’s Oliver Twist
LifeHouse Theater-On-The-Air's Pride and Prejudice
Review Segment Links:
Adventures in Odyssey #55 The Deep End
Alvin York Website
Alvin York's Diary
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Send us your feedback! We’d love to hear what you think! Leave a comment below, email us at, or give us a call or text 623-688-2770.
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