ATC87: An Odyssey Discussion & Interview with Actress and Lamplighter Guild Attendee, Abigail Bourne
We dive into a few Adventures in Odyssey topics in this episode. We talk about common gripes that folks have with modern AIO, using Austin P...
We dive into a few Adventures in Odyssey topics in this episode. We talk about common gripes that folks have with modern AIO, using Austin Peachey's recent Odyssey Scoop article as a springboard and we also chat about science-fiction episodes of Odyssey. We are also joined on the show by stage actress and theater director, Abigail Bourne from Pennsylvania. Abigail attended the 2016 Lamplighter Guild and we chat with her about the Guild, working with Jess Harnell on Lamplighter Theatre, and the differences between stage acting and audio drama acting. And Roy delivers a newscast full of audio drama goodness. Merry Christmas!
Download Episode 87
Heirloom Audio Productions took home 3 Voice Arts Awards at the recent awards ceremony in LA.
Creation Quest has released the first few episodes of Time Chroniclers.
Spirit Blade Productions is running a huge sale through December 18th. Go to and click the “+AUDIO DRAMAS” link to access the store.
Comments from Mary and Sarah Grace on the new OAC character, Renee
AIO Update’s poll, Favorite Sci-Fi Episodes of AIO
Abigail's theater group - Class Act Productions
New audio drama for kids ages 7 to 11 - Airship Genesis: Legendary Bible Adventure
Iliad House is here!!!
Leave a comment below this post, email us at, or give us a call or text 623-688-2770.
Download Episode 87
Newscast Segment
Coral Island Adventures Series 3: The Destructive Adventures has recently been released.Heirloom Audio Productions took home 3 Voice Arts Awards at the recent awards ceremony in LA.
Creation Quest has released the first few episodes of Time Chroniclers.
Spirit Blade Productions is running a huge sale through December 18th. Go to and click the “+AUDIO DRAMAS” link to access the store.
Discussion Segment
Austin Peachey’s article on The Odyssey Scoop, A Case for Modern AIOComments from Mary and Sarah Grace on the new OAC character, Renee
AIO Update’s poll, Favorite Sci-Fi Episodes of AIO
Interview Segment
Abigail Bourne, Lamplighter Guild Attendee, Actress in Lamplighter Theatre bookend, Theater Director in State College, PAAbigail's theater group - Class Act Productions
Audio Drama Tidbits Segment
Do your Christmas shopping on Amazon via our affiliate link and we'd be ever grateful!New audio drama for kids ages 7 to 11 - Airship Genesis: Legendary Bible Adventure
Iliad House is here!!!
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