ATC110: Review of AIO Album 64: Under the Surface & Phil Lollar Visits the Studio
A packed episode! We've got a review of album 64 of Adventures in Odyssey, Under the Surface and then we are joined in the studio by AIO...
A packed episode! We've got a review of album 64 of Adventures in Odyssey, Under the Surface and then we are joined in the studio by AIO co-creator, Phil Lollar. We talk with Phil about why Connie has not progressed more in life, the AIO guides, some BTS info on the two-part AIO episode, David and Absalom, Iliad House, the Blackgaard Chronicles book series, the Young Whit book series, and a whole lot more. We also have an opportunity for you to win a copy of the first Young Whit book.
Download Episode 110
Album #64: Under the Surface
#832: “Your Honest Opinion, Please”
#833: “The Secret of the Writer's Ruse”
#834: “Sir Buddy's Snowy Day”
#835: “David and Absalom, Part 1”
#836: “David and Absalom, Part 2”
#837: “Out of the Picture”
Brian Beise's Twitter thread which kicked off the conversation with Phil Lollar.
The Blackgaard Chronicles books: Opening Moves | Pawn's Play | Cross-Check
Young Whit books: The Traitor's Treasure | The Shroud of Secrecy
The AIO Guides were referenced in this conversation a few times. Here's a photo of what we were looking at in the studio:
You may be interested in this post which details the different features of each edition.
Your Guide to the Adventures in Odyssey Guides
Iliad House
You can record our show credits for a future episode.
Send us your recording of you reading the following and we'll use it in a future episode:
Script: "Hi! This is [YOUR NAME] from [YOUR CITY AND/OR STATE]. Audio Theatre Central is a production of Porchlight Family Media. The theme music was composed by Sam Avendaño. The show is produced and edited by J.D. Sutter. Find the website at"
Email your recording to
Leave a comment below this post, email us at, or give us a call or text 623-688-2770.
Download Episode 110
Review Segment
Adventures In OdysseyAlbum #64: Under the Surface
#833: “The Secret of the Writer's Ruse”
#834: “Sir Buddy's Snowy Day”
#835: “David and Absalom, Part 1”
#836: “David and Absalom, Part 2”
#837: “Out of the Picture”
Purchase your copy from one of our partners.
Audio Drama Tidbits Segment
Jake Muller Info post by Austin PeacheyInterview Segment
Phil Lollar, co-creator of Adventures in Odyssey and creator of Iliad House
Click any of the images to enlarge
Brian Beise's Twitter thread which kicked off the conversation with Phil Lollar.
The Blackgaard Chronicles books: Opening Moves | Pawn's Play | Cross-Check
Young Whit books: The Traitor's Treasure | The Shroud of Secrecy
The AIO Guides were referenced in this conversation a few times. Here's a photo of what we were looking at in the studio:
You may be interested in this post which details the different features of each edition.
Your Guide to the Adventures in Odyssey Guides
Iliad House
You can record our show credits for a future episode.
Send us your recording of you reading the following and we'll use it in a future episode:
Script: "Hi! This is [YOUR NAME] from [YOUR CITY AND/OR STATE]. Audio Theatre Central is a production of Porchlight Family Media. The theme music was composed by Sam Avendaño. The show is produced and edited by J.D. Sutter. Find the website at"
Email your recording to
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