Ultimate List of Family-Friendly Christmas Audio Dramas
Christmas is fast approaching and now is a perfect time to start listening to some holiday stories! Several of them have been mentioned on t...

Christmas is fast approaching and now is a perfect time to start listening to some holiday stories! Several of them have been mentioned on the podcast and the blog before, but there are so many more than we've had time to list. Until now.
We've compiled a (partial) list of the many great Christmas-related audio productions out there for you to enjoy. You'll find links to listen or purchase each one of them below. This is by no means a complete list, but just some that we have found thus far. The productions range from modern to classic audio dramas along with some that are not quite audio dramas but are pretty close. This post will be updated in the future as we find more productions to add to the list.
Keep in mind that not every single one of the productions listed below is intended for all ages. As always, we recommend parents preview each one to judge whether or not it is appropriate for their child's/children's age/s.
Are there some that we’ve missed? Let us know in the comments!
Last Update: 12/27/2024
Ultimate List of Family-Friendly Christmas Audio Dramas
Modern Audio Drama
Adventures in Odyssey
Back to Bethlehem, Part 1, Part 2, & Part 3 - Amazon | iTunesThe Star, Part 1 & Part 2 - Amazon | iTunes
It's a Pokenberry Christmas, Part 1 & Part 2 - Amazon | iTunes
Unto Us a Child Is Born - Amazon | iTunes
Gifts for Madge and Guy - Amazon | iTunes
The Day After Christmas - Amazon | iTunes
Peace on Earth - Amazon | iTunes
The Reluctant Rival - Amazon | iTunes
Monty's Christmas - Amazon | iTunes
The Visitors - Amazon | iTunes
Where's Your Daddy? - Amazon | iTunes
The Living Nativity - Amazon | iTunes
Caroling, Caroling - Amazon | iTunes
A Time for Christmas - Amazon | iTunes
B-TV: Redeeming the Season - Amazon | iTunes
The Popsicle Kid - Amazon | iTunes
A Lamb's Tale - Amazon | iTunes
A Christmas Conundrum - Amazon | iTunes
Silent Night - Amazon | iTunes
Grandma's Christmas Visit - Amazon | iTunes
The Perfect Gift
Focus on the Family (Pre-AIO and Radio Theatre)
Spare TireFocus on the Family Radio Theatre
A Christmas Carol - Amazon | iTunes
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe - Amazon | iTunes
Traveling Home for Christmas - Amazon | iTunes
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe - Amazon | iTunes
Traveling Home for Christmas - Amazon | iTunes
- The Shoemaker's Gift
- The Gift of the Magi
- Christmas By Injunction
- Christmas Day at Kirkby Cottage
Family Outings - Amazon | iTunes
Down Gilead Lane
From Mary With LoveThe Best Christmas on Record
O Little Town of Coleraine
Christmas Heirlooms
Putting the Christmas Back in Hope
Kids Corner: Liz and Friends
What is the Measure of Your Success?It’s a Givin’ Thing
Mary’s Miracle
Merry X-Monsters
The Christmas List Mystery
The Knights Before Christmas
Beyond Belief
Wreck the Halls
Paws and Tales
The Perfect Christmas GiftTrue Riches
Every Good Thing
The Road to Christmas
The Pond
Christmas Ants, Part 1Christmas Ants, Part 2
Jungle Jam
It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Bedtime
The Merry Christmas Show
Buried in the Snow - (Hear review)
You Are There: Christmas
The Unlikely Wise Man
The Christmas Carol Affair - Amazon | iTunes | Dramafy
The It’s Not Such a Wonderful Life Affair - Amazon | iTunes
Lamplighter Theatre
The Candle in the Window - (Hear review)Buried in the Snow - (Hear review)
You Are There: Christmas
The Unlikely Wise Man
Nick Guy, Private Eye
The Child of Bethlehem Affair - Amazon | iTunesThe Christmas Carol Affair - Amazon | iTunes | Dramafy
The It’s Not Such a Wonderful Life Affair - Amazon | iTunes
Peace On Earth, Good Will Toward Men - Dramafy
Colonial Radio Theatre
A Christmas Carol - Amazon | iTunes | DramafyJimmy and the Star Angel - (Hear review) | iTunes | Dramafy
The Star Angel - (Hear review) | Amazon | iTunes
The Holly Tree Inn - (Read review) | Amazon | iTunes
A Charles Dickens Holiday Sampler: The Cricket on The Hearth & The Seven Poor Travelers - Amazon | iTunes | Dramafy
Insight for Living Radio Theater
A Bethlehem Christmas - (Hear review)Porchlight Family Media
Babe of the Worlds - DramafyWho Did That Voice?
The Christmas WishRichard M. Barry
The Shepherd’s Prayer - (Hear review) | AmazonYour Story Hour
Christmas StoriesPatch the Pirate/Majesty Music
Harold the King - iTunes | AmazonChristmas Carol
Peanut Butter Christmas
Christmas Spirit
Follow the Star
A Christmas Carol - Amazon | iTunes | Dramafy
Treasures of the Snow
Voices in the Wind Audio Theatre/The First Noelle Productions
Hurry! Hurry! It's Almost Christmas! - (Hear review) | Amazon | iTunesA Christmas Carol - Amazon | iTunes | Dramafy
Moody Radio
A Marriage CarolTreasures of the Snow
Christmas Comes to Pleasant Hill
Psalty the Singing Songbook
Psalty's Christmas CalamityGolden Key Audio
St. Boniface and the First Christmas TreeChristmas Carol of Bennington Falls - Dramafy
Dragnet: Deliverer's Delivery Day - Dramafy
On Demand: Christmas - Dramafy
It Happened on Chambers Street - Dramafy
Christmas at the Canteen - Dramafy
Playful World Ministries
Guess Who's Coming for ChristmasWinner Takes All
Ranger Bill
Christmas Program with Bill PearceChristmas Bells
Jimmy's Christmas Miracle
Audio Drama Alliance
Festive Food FailFamily Life Radio Kids Corner
The Merry Beggars
Dramafy Productions
Markiewitz Audioworks
Greenhorn Tales
Big Finish Productions
The Chimes - (Our review)
The Honeycomb Chronicles
Tales from Cottonwood Trails
One Day in Aspen Creek
Old-Time Radio
Campbell Playhouse
A Christmas CarolLux Radio Theatre
It's A Wonderful LifeMiracle On 34th Street
Hallmark Playhouse
The Gift Of The MagiStory of Silent Night
Radio City Playhouse
Twas the Night Before ChristmasDragnet
The Six Shooter
Richard Diamond Private Detective
Stan Freberg
Author's Playhouse
Family Theater
Dr. Sixgun
A Pony for Christmas - Radio Archives | OTR Downloads
The Lone Ranger
The Christmas Tree - OTR Downloads
Christmas Comes To Sandy - OTR Downloads
Tales of the Texas Rangers
Christmas Present - OTR Downloads
Not Quite Audio Dramas
A Shepherd’s EncounterBack to the Bible
The Twelve Voices of ChristmasHank the Cowdog
The Case of the Wounded Buzzard on Christmas Eve - AmazonThe Christmas Turkey Disaster - Amazon
Bible Stories Alive (Bible Stories with Mrs. G)
Jesus the BabyDisclosure: This post contains affiliate links. ATC receives a small percentage of your purchase when you buy these products via our links. Thank you!