ATC133: Review of Jonathan Park #14: The Greatest Power
We're talking about Series 14 of the Jonathan Park audio drama titled The Greatest Power in this episode. Austin Peachey fills in for Ro...
We're talking about Series 14 of the Jonathan Park audio drama titled The Greatest Power in this episode. Austin Peachey fills in for Roy again and we do a deep dive into this 12-episode set of action-packed adventures in which the Parks and Brenans travel around the globe chasing Dr. X. We also have a few tidbits to share, JD tackles the newscast in Roy's absence, and we address feedback from John, E.Z., and Eliah.
NOTE: In this review, we credit David Sanborn as the voice of John Wycliffe, it was actually Nato Jacobson in this role. Thanks for the correction, Nato.
Download Episode 132
Wise King Media, the producers of both The Adventum and Jonathan Park series, have launched a brand new show called Mack Meets History. They are releasing the program as a free podcast and so far a couple of episodes are available in the feed.
Leaving A Legacy Ministries recently released their first production titled Twice Free. You can read some of the behind the scenes information and order your copy of Twice Free at
Book 5 of The Blackgaard Chronicles series, Knight’s Scheme, will be released on October 6, 2020. The hardcover volume is now available for preorder on Amazon for $10.
Jonathan Park Series 14: The Greatest Power
Released 2019
Duration 4:08:27
Purchase The Greatest Power from our partners: Amazon
Order directly from Wise King Media
Eliah has a couple different questions for us to address (Lamplighter's Audio Club | Heirloom's Live the Adventure Club)
Jadeth30 gives us a 5-star Apple Podcasts review
John sends us a package in the actual mail!
You can record our show credits for a future episode.
Send us your recording of you reading the following and we'll use it in a future episode:
Script: "Hi! This is [YOUR NAME] from [YOUR CITY AND/OR STATE]. Audio Theatre Central is a production of Porchlight Family Media. The theme music was composed by Sam AvendaƱo. The show is produced and edited by J.D. Sutter. Find the website at"
Email your recording to
Leave a comment below this post, email us at, or give us a call or text 623-688-2770.
NOTE: In this review, we credit David Sanborn as the voice of John Wycliffe, it was actually Nato Jacobson in this role. Thanks for the correction, Nato.
Download Episode 132
Newscast Segment
ReFrame Media, the ministry behind the Kids Corner series, has recently begun producing new bible story audio dramas. Each episode has an accompanying memory verse and downloadable coloring page.Wise King Media, the producers of both The Adventum and Jonathan Park series, have launched a brand new show called Mack Meets History. They are releasing the program as a free podcast and so far a couple of episodes are available in the feed.
Leaving A Legacy Ministries recently released their first production titled Twice Free. You can read some of the behind the scenes information and order your copy of Twice Free at
Book 5 of The Blackgaard Chronicles series, Knight’s Scheme, will be released on October 6, 2020. The hardcover volume is now available for preorder on Amazon for $10.
Audio Drama Tidbits Segment
- Austin shares some news about Leaving A Legacy
- Austin's Odyssey Geek podcast
- The Adventum, Vol. 3 recording this summer
- The next ATCB episode to feature our Top 10 AIO Episodes of the Last Decade
Review Segment
Jonathan Park Series 14: The Greatest Power
Released 2019
Duration 4:08:27
Crash Course, Parts 1-3
Treacherous Trial, Parts 1-3
Power Lines, Parts 1-3
Ultimate Weapon, Parts 1-3
Order directly from Wise King Media
Feedback Segment
E.Z. has some thoughts on our OTR Introduction episodeEliah has a couple different questions for us to address (Lamplighter's Audio Club | Heirloom's Live the Adventure Club)
Jadeth30 gives us a 5-star Apple Podcasts review
John sends us a package in the actual mail!
You can record our show credits for a future episode.
Send us your recording of you reading the following and we'll use it in a future episode:
Script: "Hi! This is [YOUR NAME] from [YOUR CITY AND/OR STATE]. Audio Theatre Central is a production of Porchlight Family Media. The theme music was composed by Sam AvendaƱo. The show is produced and edited by J.D. Sutter. Find the website at"
Email your recording to
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What are your thoughts on the topics we addressed in this episode? Send us your feedback! We’d love to hear what you think!Leave a comment below this post, email us at, or give us a call or text 623-688-2770.
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