ATC159: Lots of Updates & Review of A Gift from AudioImagination77 Productions
JD brings an episode chock-full of updates! New releases, upcoming releases, productions in the works, and he plays the trailers for several...
JD brings an episode chock-full of updates! New releases, upcoming releases, productions in the works, and he plays the trailers for several recent releases as well. After all the exciting updates he jumps into a review of the latest release from AudioImagination77 Productions, a Christmas audio drama called "A Gift." This heartwarming holiday tale is one we're sure you'll enjoy. And finally, JD addresses some feedback from Jaxon and shares some info that may affect the next episode of the show.
Download Episode 101
Audio Drama Tidbits Segment
Will Ryan Passing
FaithFilled Stories
The Storm That Suddenly Wasn't There - Released 11/12/21
A Bit of Time Travel
The Architect, Part 1 - Released 11/23/21
Legacy Radio Theater
The Titanic Waif - Aiming for a December 27th release
Greenhorn Tales
New episodes hit every week for the rest of the year.
Should we make special collector’s edition MP3 CDs?
Colonial Radio Theatre's Jimmy and the Star Angel, and several others
Also several Nick Guy shows, many Voices in the Wind productions, The Tales of Davy Jones: Quetzalcoatl, The Encounter, and more
Several new episodes of Witnesses are in the works for 2022.
Adaptation of the 2018 novel by K.M Weiland from Sargent Family Productions
Releasing 12/7/21
Bugs & Daffy’s Thanksgiving Road Trip
Brinkman Adventures
Review Segment
A Gift from AudioImagination77 Productions
Released 11/26/2021
Duration - 1 hour
Now available to listen to on Dramafy, Spotify, iTunes, Amazon, Apple Music, YouTube and all major audio streaming services.
Pictures of the AudioImagination77 Productions studio during recording of "A Gift." Photos courtesy of Matthew P. Woerner.
Feedback Segment
Email from Jaxon L. about how Will Ryan's passing will affect AIO.
Record our show credits for a future episode.
Send us your recording of you reading the following and we'll use it in a future episode:
Script: "Hi! This is [YOUR NAME] from [YOUR CITY AND/OR STATE]. Audio Theatre Central is a production of Porchlight Family Media. The theme music was composed by Sam Avendaño. The show is produced and edited by J.D. Sutter. Find the website at"
Email your recording to
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