ATC195: Looking at the Year Ahead in Audio Drama
JD kicks off the year with a new episode dedicated to looking at what is coming down the road this year in the world of family-friendly audi...
JD kicks off the year with a new episode dedicated to looking at what is coming down the road this year in the world of family-friendly audio drama. There are lots of productions on the horizon that we're really excited about and we thought it was worth discussing. JD also shares some audio drama updates and addresses some feedback from Christian and an Apple Podcasts review.
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Audio Drama Updates - 01:19
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Monologue - 10:15
Looking at the year aheadJD goes down the list and shares his thoughts on each upcoming show and then lists his top most anticipated picks.
Feedback - 43:45
Christian asks what exactly does family-friendly audio drama mean?odysey fan Apple Podcasts review
Record our show credits for a future episode.
Send us your recording of you reading the following and we'll use it in a future episode:
Script: "Hi! This is [YOUR NAME] from [YOUR CITY AND/OR STATE]. Audio Theatre Central is a production of Porchlight Family Media. The theme music was composed by Sam AvendaƱo. The show is produced and edited by J.D. Sutter. Find the website at"
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Credits for ATC195 read by John Tuttle III
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