
ATC201: Review of Adventures in Odyssey #75: The Best Is Yet to Come

It's the review many have been waiting for! Today J.D. and Austin do a deep dive into Adventures in Odyssey #75: The Best Is Yet To Come...

It's the review many have been waiting for! Today J.D. and Austin do a deep dive into Adventures in Odyssey #75: The Best Is Yet To Come, discussing the plots, performances, and production values of these six episodes. In addition to this discussion, J.D. responds to feedback from Nato, Bethany, Rose, and David. But before all of that, he shares a bunch of audio drama updates to kick off the episode.

Download Episode 201

Audio Drama Updates - 00:50

Audio Drama Institute - Writers Recharge Seminar September 15-21

New musical from David and Ellen Sanborn and John Fornof

Review - 18:03

Adventures In Odyssey #75 The Best Is Yet to Come

Episodes in this album
#964: “As Far As It Depends on Me”
#965: “Two's Company, Four's a Crowd”
#966: “The Best Is Yet to Come, Part 1”
#967: “The Best Is Yet to Come, Part 2”
#968: “The Best Is Yet to Come, Part 3”
#969: “The Best Is Yet to Come, Part 4”

Purchase a copy of the album: Amazon | ChristianBook

Additional Links:

Transition Song: “The Best Is Yet To Come” by Scott Krippayne from his 2001 album titled All of Me

Feedback - 2:09:17

Comments on ATC200 from Nato Jacobson, Rose Beasley, David Hilder, and Bethany Baldwin

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