ATC211: 6 Audio Drama Podcasts You May Like
Today, we're doing something a little different. Rather than doing a deep dive into a single audio drama, J.D. shares an overview and a ...
Today, we're doing something a little different. Rather than doing a deep dive into a single audio drama, J.D. shares an overview and a few brief thoughts on 6 different audio dramas that are available as a podcast. Before the reviews, he also shares a good chunk of updates on some upcoming releases to be on the lookout for. To cap off the episode, J.D. responds to a bunch of feedback from the community, specifically from Camden, Michael, Rose, Jonathan, David, Blake, Bethany, Daniel, and Jane. Join us for the ride!
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Rose, Bethany, and Daniel share their thoughts on the Jared DePasquale interview in ATC208
Jane recently found the show and asks about Sonic-Con
Record our show credits for a future episode.
Send us your recording of you reading the following and we'll use it in a future episode:
Script: "Hi! This is [YOUR NAME] from [YOUR CITY AND/OR STATE]. Audio Theatre Central is a production of Porchlight Family Media. The theme music was composed by Sam Avendaño. The show is produced and edited by J.D. Sutter. Find the website at"
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Audio Drama Updates - 01:34
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Newly released: Nick Guy & the Good Shepherd/Bad Shepherd Affair
and Nick Guy & the Ripped Van Winkle Affair
Soon-to-be released: Nick Guy & the Woman from A.U.N.T.I.E. Affair
Venture, episode 2 sound design is completed
Robin Hood: Rising to Honor, Season 2 is making headway
Chapel & Squeak back in production
Review - 11:11
6 Audio Drama Podcasts You May LikeThe Merry Beggars
Moody Radio
Coronation Media
Square One World Media
Feedback - 36:23
Camden, Michael, Jonathan, David, and Blake follow up on the JMA: Blood discussion from ATC207Rose, Bethany, and Daniel share their thoughts on the Jared DePasquale interview in ATC208
Jane recently found the show and asks about Sonic-Con
Record our show credits for a future episode.
Send us your recording of you reading the following and we'll use it in a future episode:
Script: "Hi! This is [YOUR NAME] from [YOUR CITY AND/OR STATE]. Audio Theatre Central is a production of Porchlight Family Media. The theme music was composed by Sam Avendaño. The show is produced and edited by J.D. Sutter. Find the website at"
Email your recording to
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What are your thoughts on the topics we addressed in this episode? Send us your feedback! We’d love to hear what you think!Leave a comment below this post, email us at, or give us a call or text 623-688-2770.